Why take a DELF assessment?

Students pointing at me
A DELF French proficiency assessment provides additional information on a student’s French language proficiency as measured by an established and internationally recognized tool. In Canada, many school divisions use the DELF results to help evaluate the effectiveness of their French programs.

Why Get a DELF Certificate?

  • DELF measures and certifies your level of language proficiency using an established and internationally recognized tool.
  • DELF has global currency. It is calibrated to international language standards and is recognized around the world.
  • Proficiency in an additional language is an asset and certified proficiency enhances the value of this asset. A DELF certificate can qualify you for study, work or other opportunities.
  • DELF B2  meets the language requirement for admission to universities in France and increasingly to French-speaking universities in Canada.

Centre DELF des divisions scolaires du Manitoba