About Us

Who we are:   DELF Manitoba logo

The Centre DELF des divisions scolaires du Manitoba was created in 2013 as a collaborative project of several Manitoba school divisions:

  • St. James-Assiniboia School Division
  • Seine River School Division
  • River East Transcona School Division
  • Winnipeg School Division

st-james-school-logo seine-river-logo river-east-logo Winnipeg School Division [logo]

Accreditation:ciep png

  • In January 2013, we were accredited as a DELF testing centre by the Centre international d’études pédagogiques (France Éducation international), the National Ministry of Education of France

What we do:

  • We offer French students in Manitoba the opportunity to take the DELF Scolaire language assessment, to have their French language proficiency certified.
  • We train teachers to become certified DELF evaluators.
  • Space permitting, we extend our DELF assessment opportunities to students from non-member school divisions.

Our funding:

Centre DELF des divisions scolaires du Manitoba